January 19th Meeting: BB Dems Board Election!
The first BB Dems meeting of 2021 is Tuesday, January 19th from 7pm - 9pm...the evening before Joe Biden & Kamala Harris are sworn in as the next President & Vice-President of the United States!
The primary order of business will be our annual election for club executive board positions. Normally we don't require registration for our online meetings, but we are for January given the topic of this one. There will also be a vote on a resolution to move the board election up a month from January to December going forward.
There are 7 positions which have to be voted on: Chair, Vice-Chair, Treasurer, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary and 2 Trustees at Large.
Any BB Dems member in good standing can run for one of these offices or to vote for candidates. To do so, you have to reside in the BB Dems area (Birmingham, Bloomfield Hills, Bloomfield Township, Franklin, Bingham Farms or Beverly Hills) and have paid your $15.00 annual dues prior to our January 19th election.
Only members in good standing who actually attend the meeting may vote. If you're interested in running for one of the positions, please email me at chair@bbdems.org before January 19th.