June Meeting: Three Great Speakers + Donation Event

Tuesday June 20, 2023 06:30 pm

If you were unable to attend, you can watch the meeting here:

Part 1: Club Business and Oakland Forward https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8rRjpNS6-1g  

Part 2: Oakland Forward, Mothering Justice and Kimber Bishop Yanke https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFwuRU0AJfo

 Part 3: Kimber Bishop Yanke, Oakland County Task Force on Homelessness and Poverty, Good and Welfare  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=84E8oD43pGg


Join us for the upcoming monthly meeting of the Birmingham Bloomfield Area Democratic Club. This month we will have three speakers:

 -- Kermit Williams from Oakland Forward

  -- Aisha Wells from Mothering Justice

 -- Kimber Bishop-Yanke from the Oakland County Task Force on Homelessness and Poverty

PLUS, we are hosting a donations drive for Big Family of Michigan, a nonprofit organization that provides state-wide services and support to foster children and their foster families and grandchildren being raised by their grandparents. Big Family seeks school supplies, housewares for young adults aging out of the foster-care system, and *new* items appropriate for gift-giving during the holidays for infants, children, teens and young adults, as well as cash donations. Please bring your donations to the June 20 meeting. If you need to arrange a pick up, contact Debbie at drosenman2@gmail.com.

Tuesday, June 20

Bloomfield Township Hall,

4200 Telegraph Road, just south of Long Lake Road

Socializing begins at 6:30 p.m., with the meeting starting at 7:00 p.m.

We hope to see you there!

March in Beverly Hills' Memorial Day Parade

Monday May 29, 2023 11:00 am

Join members of the Birmingham Bloomfield Area Democratic Club and march in Beverly Hills' Memorial Day Parade, with a Carnival and Ceremony to follow.

Monday, May 29

11 a.m. -- meet in the Groves High School parking lot to organize for the march.

Groves High School

20500 West 13 Mile Road

Beverly Hills

Sign up to march:



March in the Celebrate Birmingham Hometown Parade

Sunday May 21, 2023 12:00 pm

Join the Birmingham Bloomfield Area Democratic Club as we march in the Celebrate Birmingham Hometown Parade and Party

Sunday, May 21

12 noon -- Meet at Booth Park for the parade march

There will be a party in Shain Park immediately after the parade, concluding at 4 p.m.

Shain Park


Sign up to march:


May Meeting: County Commissioner Charlie Cavell Is Guest Speaker

Tuesday May 16, 2023 06:30 pm

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here, including the lively presentation and discussion by Charlie Cavell: 

Birmingham Bloomfield Area Democratic Club Meeting -- May 16, 2023 Part I


Join us for the upcoming monthly meeting of the Birmingham Bloomfield Area Democratic Club.

Charlie Cavell, an Oakland County Commissioner, will discuss what goes on in the County Commission and what we can do to make an impact.

Socializing starts at 6:30 p.m. and meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. 

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Bloomfield Township Hall

4200 Telegraph Road, south of Long Lake Road.

April Meeting: Legislative Town Hall & Proposal 2 Update

Tuesday April 18, 2023 06:30 pm

Our state representatives -- Samatha Steckloff, Natalie Price, Sharon MacDonell and Noah Arbit -- have been invited for this Legislative Town Hall. The discussion will be moderated by our high school interns.

Also, Township Clerk Martin Brook will present election updates related to the passage of Proposal 2.

Tuesday, April 18th: Socializing starts at 6:30 p.m.; Meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.

A light dinner will be served.

Bloomfield Township Library, 1099 Lone Pine Road, Bloomfield Township

All are welcome! Come join us!

March Meeting: Ross Gavin, Michigan Environmental Council, is guest speaker

Tuesday March 21, 2023 06:30 pm

If you missed the meeting, you can watch it here:


Join us and hear Conan Smith, president and CEO of Michigan Environmental Council, talk about the organization's legislative agenda, including Affordable Healthy Homes and Michigan Bottle Deposit Law Reform. 


February Meeting: Michigan State Senator Jeremy Moss is guest speaker.

Tuesday February 21, 2023 06:30 pm

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, February 21st at the Bloomfield Township Hall at 4200 Telegraph Road, south of Long Lake Road.

Socializing starts at 6:30 p.m. and meeting begins at 7:00 p.m. 

Let's hear about the recent actions of the Michigan State Legislature. Find out how to get involved to support legislation that aligns with our values.
Come join us! 
Did you miss this meeting? Want to hear what State Senator Jeremy Moss had to say?
Click here to watch on Facebook: (5) Facebook 

October Meeting: Proposals & Election Security

Tuesday October 18, 2022 06:30 pm


Tuesday, October 18th will be our last meeting before the Midterm Elections.

We are back at Bloomfield Township Hall, 4200 Telegraph Road.

Speakers include:

  • Megan Owens, from Transportation Riders United, to speak about the Oakland County Transit Proposal
  • Katie Costello, from Reproductive Rights for All, to speak about Proposal 3, and
  • Martin Brook, Bloomfield Township Clerk, to speak about election security. 

Socializing begins at 6:30 p.m. Meeting starts at 7:00 p.m.



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